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  • Dream building, internalizing and memorializing

  • Goal setting, specific, achievable goals

  • Game planning. Action steps to goal achievement


Armor Up


  • Winning attitude

  • Self confidence building

  • Mental toughness

  • Belief in your product, company & value




  • Market identification (types, size & uniqueness)

  • Market pursuit strategies

  • Value proposition

  • Sales production formula

  • Activity ratios


Skills - 10 steps to a sales (not complete list)


  • Prospecting

  • Diagnosing

  • Handling objections

  • Presentation

  • Follow-up

  • Closing

  • Building a client relationship

  • Helping clients to buy


Product Knowledge


  • Technical aspects of product/service

  • How product brings value to client

  • Feedback on how a product is working

  • Establishing loyalty

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